20241201 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


Missionary Care

Almighty Father, thank You for using our missionary couple, Oreo to reach out to the M people group in East Asia. The temperature difference between morning and evening is very high in their missions field now, we pray that Jehovah Shalom blesses them with good health. We are thankful that the ‘Little Green House’, a center for caring for M cancer patients, which the missionaries are running, has recently welcomed some new patients. May the Holy Spirit move in their lives, that they will feel the love and grace of Jesus Christ through the companionship of the missionaries. We especially remember Sister Zhang, a new believer. The missionaries are leading her to read the Gospel of Matthew. May the Holy Spirit open her eyes, that she will be more and more convinced that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Allah Bapa Surgawi yang Mahakuasa, terima kasih untuk memakai misionari Oreo dan isterinya untuk menjangkau kelompok orang M di Asia Tenggara. Sekarang, perbezaan suhu antara pagi dan malam sangat tinggi di ladang misi mereka, kami berdoa agar Yahweh Shalom memberkati mereka dengan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan. Kami bersyukur bahwa ‘Rumah Hijau’, sebuah pusat untuk merawat pesakit kanser M, yang diurus oleh misionari, baru-baru ini menyambut beberapa pesakit baru. Kami mohon Roh Kudus berkerja dalam hidup mereka agar mereka merasai kasih dan rahmat Yesus Kristus melalui persahabatan para misionari. Kami secara khusus berdoa untuk saudari Zhang yang baru mempercayai Yesus Kristus. Misionari sedang membimbingnya membaca Injil Matius. Kami mohon Roh Kudus membuka mata rohaninya, supaya dia semakin yakin bahwa Yesus Kristus adalah Anak Allah, Juruselamat yang bangkit. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.

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