20241020 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀
Photo by Javon Swaby: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-concrete-building-2798256/
信实的天父上帝,感谢祢使用陈华弟兄和江启麟弟兄, 在泰北辉斗苗族村,短宣六个星期,返回砂拉越。 我们恳求天父感动下一批长期和短期宣教士, 到那里作福音拓荒事工,包括中文补习班。 恳求圣灵继续感动辉斗的苗族村民,特别是当中的巫师、村长、 有影响力的村民能够信主。而且, 有神迹奇事随着当地的传道人和信徒,印证基督福音的大能。 也求圣灵充满汉统哲传道及王榜春师母,特别恩眷师母的身孕平安。 奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。
Missionary Care
God our Father in heaven, thank You for using brother Ting Hua and brother Kong Kee Lin to go on a short-term missions to the Hmong village in Northern Thailand for six weeks. They had returned to Sarawak. We ask our Heavenly Father to move the next group of long-term and short-term missionaries to do evangelistic outreach there, including the ministry of Chinese tutorial classes. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to move the Hmong villagers especially the shamans, village chiefs and influential villagers, to come to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, we pray that signs and wonders will follow the local preachers and believers there, demonstrating the power of the Gospel of Christ. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Photo by Javon Swaby: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-concrete-building-2798256/
Doa Penjagaan Misi
Photo by Javon Swaby: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-concrete-building-2798256/
Allah Bapa, terima kasih untuk memakai saudara Ting Hua dan saudara Kong Kee Lin untuk misi jangka pendek selama enam minggu di Thailand Utara. Mereka telah kembali ke Sarawak dengan selamat. Kami mohon Bapa Surgawi mengutus lebih banyak misionari jangka panjang dan jangka pendek untuk misi penginjilan di sana, termasuk kelas tutorial bahasa Mandarin. Kami mohon Roh Kudus menggerakkan orang-orang Miao di Phu To, terutamanya para bomoh, ketua kampung dan penduduk yang berpengaruh, supaya mereka mempercayai Yesus Kristus. Kami percaya, tanda-tanda dan keajaiban akan mengikuti para paderi dan Kristian di sana, agar menyatakan keagungan Injil Kristus. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.