20240721 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀
天父上帝,感谢祢的恩手带领柯霓宣教士,在回砂拉越生产以后, 已经和宝宝家搻顺利回到尼泊尔,与丈夫传君宣教士团圆。 求信实的天父日日看顾他们一家,幸福平安。目前, 尼泊尔在雨季中发生许多水患和土崩, 求天父派天使保护传君宣教士一家,也赐给他们和尼泊尔教会力量, 借救济工作使灾民感受到耶稣基督的爱。六月开始, 传君宣教士在尼泊尔教会中带领青少年人查经,求圣灵恩膏他, 能栽培出尼泊尔的使徒保罗和敬虔的新一代领导人。下半年, 传君宣教士将接待五支从各国来的短宣队,求圣灵力上加力给他, 更从短宣队中呼召新的长期宣教士,将来也在尼泊尔作福音的使者。 奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。
Missionary Care
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithful hand leading our missionary Cornie, after giving birth back in Sarawak, to return to Nepal with her baby, Janos, and join her husband Joe again for missions works in Nepal. May God watch over this family day by day, that they will be happy and safe. During the rainy season, there are many floods and landslides in Nepal. We ask God to send angels to protect Joe, Connie, and Janos. Also, give them and the church the strength to show Christ’s compassion through their relief works. In June, Joe has started to lead Bible study for young people in the Nepali church. May the Holy Spirit use him to raise up a new generation of godly leaders in Nepal. In the second half of the year, Joe will be hosting five short-term missions teams from various countries. May the Holy Spirit empower him and call new long-term missionaries from the short-term teams to serve in Nepal in the future. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Doa Penjagaan Misi
Allah Bapa yang Maha Kuasa, terima kasih atas penyertaan-Mu dalam membimbing misionari Cornie, setelah melahirkan anak di Sarawak, untuk kembali ke Nepal bersama bayinya, Janos, dan bersatu dengan suaminya, misionari Joe. Kami mohon Tuhan Bapa menjaga keluarga ini setiap hari agar mereka bahagia dan sejahtera. Pada bulan Jun, Joe mula memimpin pemudi-pemudi Kristian untuk mengkaji Alkitab. Kami berdoa agar Roh Kudus mengurapinya untuk membangkitkan generasi baru yang saleh di Nepal. Joe juga akan memimpin lima kumpulan misi jangka pendek dari negara asing. Mohon Roh Kudus menguatkannya dan memanggil misionari baru dari kumpulan-kumpulan misi ini. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.