20240616宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Heavenly Father, Almighty God, You love over 200 million people in Indonesia. We thank You for using our missionary Ung Sing Ngiik to partner with the Indonesian Church in Kalimantan through the platform of education to expand the Kingdom of God. We pray for the approval of a new visa for our missionary. May the divine presence go with the church in Jakarta as the leaders submit Sing Ngiik’s visa application to the government. We pray that our Heavenly Father keeps Sing Ngiik that she will continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that she will have a strong commitment to the unreached people in Indonesia. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa yang Maha Kuasa, Engkau mengasihi lebih daripada 200 juta rakyat Indonesia. Kami bersyukur kerana Engkau telah memakai misionari kami Ung Sing Ngiik untuk memperluaskan Kerajaan Allah di Kalimantan melalui platform pendidikan. Kami berdoa agar visa baru untuk misionari kami akan cepat diluluskan. Kami mohon agar Tuhan menyertai gereja di Jakarta dan memberkati permohonan visa yang telah mereka serahkan kepada pihak kerajaan. Kami berdoa agar Bapa Surgawi  memelihara misionari Sing Ngiik, dia akan terus bertumbuh dalam rahmat Tuhan dan pengetahuan tentang Alkitab, dan dia terus mempunyai komitmen yang kuat untuk misi. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.
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