20231105 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀
掌管万有的天父上帝,柬埔寨是亚洲最贫困的国家之一。 我们同心祝福在柬埔寨的程光全宣教士,有信、有望、有爱地事奉。 特别恳求耶和华拉法医治他的心脏,正常健康,能全力以赴, 传扬基督。除了向本地柬埔寨人传福音, 光全也参与金边国际华人教会。恳求圣灵使他的恩赐如火挑旺, 能栽培柬埔寨人及华人,成为作光作盐的门徒。奉主耶稣基督的名, 阿们。
Missionary Care
Our heavenly Father, who rules over all, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in Asia. We bless, with one heart and soul, our missionary named Timothy Tiang in Cambodia, that he may serve with Spirit-filled faith, hope and love. We especially ask Jehovah Rophe to heal his heart and grant him healing grace, so that he can continue to preach Christ and win souls in Cambodia. In addition to evangelizing the local Cambodians, Timothy is also involved in the Phnom Penh International Chinese Church’s ministry. We ask the Holy Spirit to empower him so that he can make both Cambodians and Chinese disciples of Christ, the light and the salt in the nation. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Doa Penjagaan Misi
Allah Bapa, yang berkuasa atas seluruh dunia, Kambodia adalah salah satu negara termiskin di Asia. Kami mohon Tuhan memberkati misionari Timothy Tiang di Kambodia supaya dia melayan dengan penuh iman, pengharapan dan kasih. Khususnya kami berdoa agar Engkau menyembuhkan hatinya sehingga dia dapat terus memberitakan Kristus di Kambodia. Selain menjangkau masyarakat Kambodia, Timothy juga terlibat dalam Gereja Cina Antarabangsa di ibu kota Phnom Penh. Kami berdoa supaya Roh Kudus mengurapi kurnia Timothy, sehingga dia dapat membimbing orang-orang Kambodia serta Cina di sana untuk menjadi murid Yesus yang menjadi terang dan garam di negara miskin ini. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.