20231001 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀
阿爸天父,在英国宣教的阮文顺牧师和余惠信师母, 将于十月初带领十六位会友前往土耳其短宣。求上帝与他们同在, 从筹备到装备,出发到当地工作,整个团队都同心同行。 他们中间更有人进一步蒙召成为传道人和长期宣教士。我们感恩, 阮文顺牧师所牧养的励德堂,一位土生土长的信徒,Jerry 献身全职事奉。他刚从神学院毕业, 并在九月加入励德堂服事的行列,主要牧养国际崇拜的信徒。 愿主耶稣基督复活的大能充满他,能带动与栽培说英语的信徒, 为天国大发热心。奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。
Missionary Care
Gracious Abba Father, our missionary couple in the United Kingdom, Reverend Nguang Ung Soon and Yii Hie Sing, will be leading a group of 16 members on a short-term missions trip to Turkey in early October. We pray for God’s presence with them and protection over them as they go to the missions field. We also pray that some of the team members would be further called to become long-term missionaries or pastor. We are thankful that a church member discipled by Reverend Nguang named Jerry, has dedicated himself to full-time pastoral ministry. He just graduated from the seminary and joined the ministry of the Methodist Church in UK. May Jerry be filled with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, and be able to motivate and nurture the English-speaking believers to be passionate about the Kingdom of God. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Doa Penjagaan Misi
Tuhan Bapa, Paderi Nguang Ung Soon dan Yii Hie Sing, misionari SCAC di UK, akan memimpin 16 orang dalam satu perjalanan misi jangka pendek ke Turki pada awal Oktober. Kami berdoa untuk penyertaan Tuhan bersama mereka semasa mereka melayani jemaat di Turki dan menginjil di sana. Kami berdoa supaya beberapa ahli kumpulan misi ini akan menjawab panggilan Tuhan untuk menjadi paderi dan misionari jangka panjang. Kami bersyukur bahawa seorang jemaat bernama Jerry telah mendedikasikan diri untuk pelayanan sepenuh waktu. Dia baru lulus dari seminari dan menyertai Gereja Methodist di UK. Kami berdoa agar dia dikuasai oleh Roh Kudus dan dipakai oleh Tuhan khususnya untuk membina jemaat berbahasa Inggeris. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.