20230917 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀

阿爸天父,我们求祢按丰富的恩惠赐福给传君和柯霓宣教士夫妇。 她们俩同心同行,与尼泊尔信徒打成一片, 积极参与栽培与布道工作,我们献上感恩。柯霓已经怀孕三个月, 恳求耶和华沙龙保佑她与宝宝都健康,直到时候满足,平安生产。 最近尼泊尔东部的卫理公会中有内部纷争, 求教会元首耶稣基督怜悯,领袖们能智慧地解决问题, 恢复教会的合一和圣洁。这个月,传君将带领三个短宣队, 求圣灵充满他,赐他体力和能力。奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。
Missionary Care
Abba Father, we ask You to abundantly bless our missionary couple in Nepal, Joe and Cornie. We give thanks for their oneness in ministry, willingness to mingle with the Nepalese believers, and active participation in evangelism and discipleship. We rejoice that Cornie is pregnant. May Jehovah Shalom protect her and the baby day by day. Lord Jesus, the Head of the Church, You know the tensions and problems taking place in the churches in Nepal. Have mercy on them, that the leaders will resolve the problem wisely and restore unity and holiness of the church. Holy Spirit, may You fill Joe with strength and peace as he leads three short-term missions teams in September. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa, kami mohon Engkau memberkati misionari kami di Nepal, iaitu Joe dan Cornie. Kami bersyukur kerana mereka berdua bersatu hati dan terlibat dalam penginjilan serta pemuridan dengan aktif. Cornie sudah hamil untuk tiga bulan. Kami mohon Yahweh Shalom memberkatinya dan bayinya dengan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan. Kami juga berdoa agar Kepala Gereja, Yesus Kristus, membimbing para pemimpin di Nepal untuk menyelesaikan masalah moral dan perselisihan dalam gereja. Kami juga mohon Roh Kudus menguasai Joe, memberikannya kekuatan dan anugerah yang luar biasa apabila dia memimpin tiga misi jangka pendek pada bulan ini. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.