20230423 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Merciful Father God, You want all M people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is only one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all M people. We pray, O Lord, that the spiritual eyes of M people would be opened to see the meaning and love of the atoning work of the Cross, and that they will be partakers of the joyful Marriage Supper of the Lamb in the future. The M people long for answered prayers, the forgiveness of sins, and the mercy of the Creator. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide them so as to understand that all these blessings can be ultimately found in Jesus Christ. Teach us, dear Lord, to love the M people, bless them, and pray for them. We ask You to raise up evangelists and pastors among the M people who would testify to their own countrymen. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa, Engkau berkehendakkan semua manusia diselamatkan dan mengetahui apa yang benar. Hanya ada satu Allah dan hanya ada satu pengantara antara Allah dengan manusia iaitu seorang insan Kristus Yesus. Dia telah menyerahkan diri-Nya untuk menebus dosa seluruh orang M. Kami mohon Roh Kudus membuka mata rohani mereka agar mengerti korban pendamaian bagi dosa manusia di atas kayu salib. Orang-orang M merindukan doa yang dijawab, pengampunan dosa, serta belas kasihan daripada Pencipta dunia. Kami berdoa agar Roh Kudus membimbing mereka untuk memahami bahawa semua kebaikan ini digenapi di dalam Yesus Kristus. Ajarlah kami untuk mengasihi orang-orang M, memberkati mereka dan sering berdoa untuk mereka. O Tuhan, bangkitkan gembala dan pengkhutbah di kalangan mereka untuk bersaksi kepada orang sebangsa. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.

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