20230326 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Father of lights, in Your gracious name, we bless the two billion good neighbours around the world who start to observe Ramadan last week. May the unconditional love of Christ Jesus fill our hearts so that we may love good neighbours as we love ourselves. May the Holy Spirit enables us to show Christ-like love and holiness to our good neighbours. We give thanks for the eight missionaries who work among good neighbours in Asia. In Jesus’ mighty name, endue them with wisdom, patience, and courage, that being inspired by Your mercies, they may worthily minister to our good neighbours. Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa, Engkau ialah Raja yang berpakaian keagungan dan kekuatan. Engkau mengasihi dua bilion Komuniti M di seluruh dunia yang memulakan bulan Ramadan minggu lepas.  Penuhi hati kami dengan kasih Tuhan Yesus agar kami hidup harmoni dengan Komuniti M. Dalam nama Yesus Kristus, berkatilah lapan misionari dari SCAC yang melayani di kalangan Komuniti M di Asia. Berikan mereka hikmat, kuasa, dan ketabahan, supaya mereka menjadi saksi-saksi Yesus, terang dan garam. Dalam nama Yesus, Amin.

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