20230319 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Almighty Father God, You care for Japan’s 126 million people. Most of them follow Shintoism and Buddhism and do not understand the amazing grace in Jesus Christ. We give thanks for Kathy Sia from Kuching district who has served as long-term missionary in Japan since Year 2013. In Jesus’ powerful name, may the thyroid disease that entangles her be removed. Give Kathy grace, O Lord, to take her sickness with patience and courage, and grant that, if it be Your gracious will, she may recover her bodily health and serve You in newness of life. We also ask the Holy Spirit to fill Kathy with a bold vision, refreshed wisdom and daring charity as she reaches out to the Japanese through a local church in East Osaka city. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa yang Maha Kuasa, Engkau mengasihi 126 juta penduduk di Jepun. Kebanyakan orang Jepun menganut Shintoisme dan Buddhisme. Kami bersyukur untuk Kathy Sia yang berasal dari Kuching. Dia telah menjadi misionari jangka panjang di Jepun sejak diutus pada Tahun 2013. Dalam nama Yesus Kristus, kami berdoa agar penyakit tiroid pada tubuh Kathy disingkirkan, agar dia boleh terus melayani dan menginjil dengan tabah. Kami memohon Roh Kudus menyertai Kathy di Bandar Osaka, sebanyak hari-harinya, demikianlah kiranya kekuatannya dalam pemuridan. Amin.

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