20230205 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Merciful Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name among the three hundred thousand refugees in Southeast Asia. We praise You for the four missionaries from the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference who are working among the homeless refugees. From February to May, two energetic Iban youths, Ben and Valentine from the Bahasa Malaysia congregations in Miri, have committed themselves for short-term missions work among the refugees. May the Holy Spirit fill them with wisdom, courage and holy love, that they may become fishers of men on the missions field. Protect them until they return to Sarawak and be equipped in the Methodist Theological School as future pastor. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa yang Maha Kasih, kami memuji Engkau kerana jemaat Bahasa Malaysia dalam Persidangan Tahunan Cina Sarawak semakin banyak mengambil bahagian dalam kerja misi luar negara. Dari bulan Februari ke Mei, dua orang pemuda-pemudi dari Miri, Ben dan Valentine, akan melayani orang pelarian di Asia Tenggara yang berasal dari pelbagai negara. Kami memohon Roh Kudus mengurniakan hikmat dan keberanian yang luar biasa kepada mereka. Semoga Ben dan Valentine berlindung di bawah sayap Tuhan Bapa. Roh Kudus menguatkan mereka semasa mereka melayani dan menginjili orang pelarian yang belum menerima Berita Baik Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Hallelujah, Amin.
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