20230129 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀
深爱世人的天父上帝, 我们为在东亚同胞中作长期宣教士的必浩与燕婷宣教士夫妇感恩。 他们最近带领一位朋友归主与受洗。求圣灵充满这一位初信者, 穿上了新人,就在知识上渐渐更新,正如造他主的荣美形象。 又愿基督的权能,建立宣教士夫妇所刚开始的癌症病友事工。 祷告的能力、医治的奇迹、实际的关心, 都使这事工带给病友希望和永恒生命的答案。 恳求圣灵充满宣教士和孩子,在东亚出入平安、身体健康、 得胜有余。奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。
Missionary Care
Our Creator and Redeemer, we thank You for the missionary couple, Oreo , who are faithfully proclaiming Christ among the unreached people in East Asia. Recently, they led a friend to Christ. We ask the Holy Spirit to help this new believer to be renewed as he learn to know his Creator and become like him. Also, we pray for divine anointing upon Oreo as they begin a new ministry that cares for the cancer patients in the community. May God the Healer works through the compassionate prayers and works of Oreo and their team. May Your merciful kingdom come to East Asia! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Doa Penjagaan Misi
Allah Bapa, sungguh besar kasih-Mu pada manusia. Kami bersyukur untuk pasangan misionari jangka panjang, iaitu Oreo. Mereka melayani kelompok suku yang belum dijangkau di Asia Timur. Berkatilah mereka dengan kuasa dan kasih-Mu, agar mereka menjadi saksi Kristus yang penuh hikmat dan efektif. Mereka baru memulakan ministri yang menjangkau pesakit-pesakit kanser di komunitinya. Kami memohon Roh Kudus mengurapi doa-doa dan kerja prihatin Oreo serta rakan-rakan sekerjanya. Jadilah kehendak-Mu di Asia Timur seperti di Syurga! Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, Amin.