20240811 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Dear Father God, thank You for leading UK’s  Epsom Methodist Church, which is pastored by our missionary Rev. Nguang Ung Soon, to send a short-term missions team to Nepal to support the ministry of missionary Ting Yang. This year, Ting Yang is involved in teaching and training ministries in two Nepalese seminaries and Nepali churches. Each semester, he has a new subject to teach. We ask the Holy Spirit to fill him with wisdom and strength. The new subject he is teaching this semester is “Christian Apologetic”. May the Holy Spirit guide him in his preparation, so that he will be able to equip the Nepali students to proclaim the Gospel effectively in their polytheistic society. We also ask our Heavenly Father to take care of and protect Ting Yang’s parents in Sarawak. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa, terima kasih untuk memimpin Gereja Methodist Epsom, yang digembalakan oleh misionari kami Reverend Nguang Ung Soon, agar mengutus pasukan misi jangka pendek ke Nepal untuk menyokong pelayanan misionari Ting Yang. Tahun ini, Ting Yang mengajar di dua buah seminari Nepal. Setiap semester dia mengajar mata pelajaran baru. Kami mohon Roh Kudus memenuhinya dengan kekuatan dan kebijaksanaan. Semester ini dia mengajar Apologetik Kristian. Semoga Roh Kudus menolongnya buat persiapan supaya dia dapat melengkapi para pelajar teologi Nepal untuk memberitakan Injil Kristus di dalam konteks agama Hindu dan Buddha. Kami juga mohon Bapa Surgawi menjaga ibubapa Ting Yang di Sarawak, agar mereka sihat dan bersukacita dalam keselamatan Yesus Kristus.  Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amen.
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