20231029 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Abba Father, we give thanks for Sanny Ling. She has just graduated from the Methodist Theological School’s Theology program, major in Missiology. She will be sent as a long-term missionary of SCAC during the Annual Conference in November. We ask God to strengthen her heart for missions and that she will boldly embark on the journey of overseas missions. Our Lord Jesus Christ, give Sanny Your compassionate heart, so that she will always love the lost and reach out to the unreached people. We pray that the Holy Spirit will fill her with courage and humility, so that she can work in harmony with other missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission. Also, we pray for protection over her parents and family in Sarikei, so that she will not have to worry about them. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Tuhan Bapa, kami bersyukur untuk Sanny Ling. Dia baru saja lulus dari Sekolah Teologi Metodist di Sibu, major dalam Misiologi. Dia akan diutus sebagai misionari jangka panjang SCAC sempena Konferensi Tahunan pada bulan November. Kami berdoa agar Bapa Syurgawi menguatkan hati Sanny untuk melakukan misi. Dia akan berani dalam pelayanan misinya di luar Sarawak. Tuhan Yesus Kristus, berikanlah hati-Mu yang penuh belas kasihan kepada Sanny, agar dia selalu mengasihi jiwa-jiwa dan menjangkau mereka yang belum mengenali Tuhan Yesus. Kami berdoa supaya Roh Kudus memenuhinya dengan kekuatan, rendah hati, dan hikmat, sehingga dia dapat bekerjasama dengan para misionari lain untuk mengenapi Amanah Agung. Kami juga mohon Bapa Syurgawi menjaga ibubapanya di Sarikei. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.

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