20241124 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀

Photo by Connor McManus: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-cross-is-seen-on-top-of-a-church-16001854/
慈爱的天父,感谢祢使用念慈牧师,在难民学校作宣教士。 她在十一月忙于筹备学生们的毕业典礼,同时招收新生, 求祢赐她智慧、创意、精神与体力,去安排大小事。 那些将要毕业的孩子,我们求圣灵持续在他们生命的各层面动工, 使他们在成长中认识基督的福音,生命蜕变。 念慈牧师刚刚动了一个牙齿手术,求耶和华拉法医治她, 伤口很快愈合,不会拦阻她教课和事奉。奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。
Missionary Care
Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for using Reverend Rebecca as a missionary at the refugee school. She has been busy preparing for the students’ graduation ceremony in November, as well as recruiting new students. We ask You to give her the wisdom, creativity, spiritual and physical strength to organize all these tasks. For those children who will be graduating, we pray that the Holy Spirit continues to work in all areas of their lives so that they will grow in their knowledge of the Gospel of Christ and their lives will be transformed. Reverend Rebecca just had a dental surgery. We pray that the wound will heal quickly and will not stop her from teaching and serving. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Photo by Connor McManus: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-cross-is-seen-on-top-of-a-church-16001854/
Doa Penjagaan Misi

Photo by Connor McManus: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-cross-is-seen-on-top-of-a-church-16001854/
Allah Bapa Surgawi yang penuh kasih, terima kasih untuk memakai Paderi Rebecca dalam melayani sebagai misionari di sekolah pelarian. Dia sedang sibuk menyediakan majlis kelulusan pelajar pada bulan November, serta menantikan pendaftaran pelajar baru. Kami mohon Tuhan memberikannya hikmat, kreativiti, dan kekuatan mental serta fisikal untuk merancangkan semuanya. Bagi kanak-kanak yang akan lulus, kami mohon Roh Kudus terus bekerja dalam segala bidang hidup mereka, sehingga mereka mengenali Injil Kristus dan dilahir baru. Paderi Rebecca baru sahaja menjalani operasi gigi, kami berdoa agar Yahweh Rapha menyembuhkannya dan lukanya cepat sembuh. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.