20241103 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀
Photo by mali maeder: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-dove-on-brown-surface-under-blue-sky-75973/
全能的天父上帝,感谢祢使用宣教部十七位“鸽子”。 他们都是砂拉越人,在海外八个国家的大学和职场中, 为基督的福音作见证。他们虽然不是年议会长期宣教士, 却乐意在自己的专业领域积极传福音,并与宣教部保持联系。 求圣灵恩膏他们,在各自专业中有卓越的成就,在灵命上持续成长, 能得人如得鱼。奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。
Missionary Care
Almighty God, we praise You for raising up seventeen “doves” for the Missions Board. They are all Sarawakians who are witnessing to the Gospel of Christ in universities and workplaces in eight overseas countries. Although they are not long-term missionaries of the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference, they are active in evangelizing in their own areas of expertise and keeping in touch with the Missions Board. We ask the Holy Spirit to anoint them with excellence in their respective professions, and that they will continue to grow spiritually and be able to make disciple for Christ. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Photo by mali maeder: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-dove-on-brown-surface-under-blue-sky-75973/
Doa Penjagaan Misi
Photo by mali maeder: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-dove-on-brown-surface-under-blue-sky-75973/
Allah Bapa yang mahakuasa, terima kasih untuk memakai tujuh belas “merpati” daripada Lembaga Misi. Mereka adalah ahli SCAC yang menjadi saksi Injil Kristus di universiti-universiti dan tempat kerja di lapan luar negara. Meskipun mereka bukan misionari jangka panjang yang diutus oleh SCAC, mereka aktif dalam penginjilan di bidang spesialisasi mereka dan tetap berhubung dengan Lembaga Misi. Kami mohon Roh Kudus mengurapi mereka dengan keunggulan dalam profesion masing-masing, agar mereka terus bertumbuh secara rohani dan dapat menjangkau orang-orang di sisi mereka. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.