20240526 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi 阅读更多

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Heavenly Father, Your almighty hand have protected our missionary Joanne every day as she serves in a country that is closed to the Gospel. We are thankful that from January to May this year, a total of 40 students enrolled in the Elementary Chinese Course, which has given our missionary Joanne the opportunity to know them and share the love of our Lord Jesus. Towards the end of May, Joanne will be using 24 Gospel pictures to share the Bible message with the students in a creative way. We ask the Holy Spirit to prepare the students’ hearts so as to receive the seed of the Word of Life. Currently, the children’s fun reading clubs have been launched in four locations. This Easter, the missionary and teachers shared the story of Jesus’ birth, teaching, healing, death and resurrection with 122 children. May the Holy Spirit continue to anoint the teachers. Their creative teaching will effectively build bridges of the Gospel in the local community. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Bapa Surgawi, tangan-Mu yang mahakuasa telah memberkati misionari kami Joanne setiap hari selama dia melayani di negara yang tertutup bagi Injil. Kami bersyukur bahawa dari Januari hingga Mei tahun ini, sebanyak 40 murid telah mendaftar dalam kursus bahasa Mandarin peringkat pertama. Ini memberikan misionari Joanne kesempatan untuk mengenal mereka dan menunjukkan kasih Tuhan Yesus. Pada akhir Mei, Joanne akan menggunakan 24 gambar Injil untuk memberitakan cerita Alkitab kepada para murid. Kami mohon Roh Kudus menyediakan hati para murid untuk menerima benih Firman. Sekarang, Klub Buku Kanak-kanak sudah dimulakan di empat lokasi. Pada Hari Paskah yang lalu, misionari dan guru-guru telah mengongsikan kisah kelahiran, pengajaran, kematian, dan kebangkitan Yesus kepada 122 kanak-kanak. Kami berdoa agar Roh Kudus terus mengurapi para guru. Ajaran mereka yang kreatif akan membina jambatan Injil dalam komuniti tempatan. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.

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