20231015 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀

阿爸天父,我们为宣教士Oreo夫妇和小孩,在东亚一个遥远的角落传福音,献上祷告与祝福。他们刚设立一个社区服务中心,为 M 族癌症病人提供住宿。求圣灵充满Oreo夫妇,能以基督之心为心,与病友们聊天,建立友谊关系。主耶稣基督更亲自向病友们显现,使他们认识十架救赎的道路、真理、生命。我们祈祷,有慕道的现代尼哥底母出现,成为基督的门徒。Oreo 带的查经小组目前硏读新约保罗书信。求圣灵打开学员们的属灵眼睛,明白福音的真谛,得丰盛的生命。再次恳求耶和华沙龙,日夜保护宣教士合家,以及在砂拉越的家人。奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。

Missionary Care

Abba Father, we offer prayers and blessings for our missionaries, Oreo and his family, who are spreading the Gospel in a far corner of East Asia. They have just set up a community service center to provide accommodation for the cancer patients from M background. We ask the Holy Spirit to fill Oreo and his wife with the loving kindness of Christ as they chat and build friendships with the patients. May our Savior Jesus personally appear to the patients, enlightening them to know the Way, the Truth and the Life. We pray for the emergence of today’s Nicodemus who will become genuine followers of Jesus. The Bible study group led by Oreo is studying the letters of Paul in the New Testament. We pray that the Holy Spirit opens the spiritual eyes of the participants to understand the true meaning of the Gospel and biblical revelation. May Jehovah Shalom protect the missionaries and their family members in Sarawak day and night. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Abba Bapa, kami berdoa untuk misionari Oreo dan isterinya serta anak mereka, yang sedang menyebarkan Injil di suatu tempat yang jauh di Asia Timur. Mereka baru mendirikan sebuah pusat pelayanan tempatan yang menyediakan akomodasi bagi pesakit barah dari latar belakang M. Kami berdoa agar Roh Kudus memenuhi hati Oreo dan isterinya dengan hati Kristus saat mereka berbual dan menjalin hubungan dengan para pesakit. Kami berdoa supaya Tuhan Yesus Kristus secara pribadi menampakkan diri kepada para pesakit M dan membimbing mereka mengenal Jalan, Kebenaran dan Kehidupan keselamatan kekal. Semoga munculnya banyak Nikodemus hari kini yang sudi menjadi murid Kristus. Oreo sedang mengajar surat-surat Paulus dalam Perjanjian Baru di dalam satu kelompok kecil. Kami mohon Roh Kudus membuka mata rohani para peserta untuk memahami erti Injil dan Firman. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.

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