20230813 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi
宣教 关怀
耶和华啊,我们为来自古晋教区的短期宣教士,郑光扬弟兄感恩。他 奉献四个月的时间,在东南亚两个区域的难民中服事。求天父恩待他 ,健康强壮,医治他头痛与肩膀痛的问题。也求主耶稣复活的大能充 满他,不畏惧压力,能灵巧地向 M 族难民学生分享天国的好消息。当光扬和团队为学生设计各样活动时 ,求圣灵赐他们创意和活力,让学生与难民社体透过他们的生命看见 主耶稣的爱。耶和华啊,求祢在年议会各牧区兴起更多短期宣教士, 到工场前线支持长期宣教士的福音与社会服务工作。奉主耶稣基督的 名,阿们。
Missionary Care
Almighty Lord God, we give thanks for our short-term missionary from the Kuching district, brother Tang Kwong Yong. He has dedicated four months of his life to live among the refugees in two regions of South East Asia. Heavenly Father, grant Your abundant grace to him, that he would be healthy and strong, and that he is healed of his headaches and shoulder pain. We ask Jesus’ resurrection power to fill him, that he is able to share the Good News of God’s Kingdom to the M refugee students. Also, we pray that the Holy Spirit gives Kwong Yong and his team creativity and energy as they design activities for the students. May the refugee community sees the unconditional love of Jesus through the missionaries’ lives. God of missions, please raise up more short-term missionaries from the local churches of the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference. They may support the evangelistic and social concern ministries of the long-term missionaries on the frontlines of the missions field. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Doa Penjagaan Misi
Allah Bapa, kami bersyukur untuk misionari jangka pendek kami dari Kuching, yang bernama Tang Kwong Yong. Dia mendedikasi empat bulan untuk melayani para pelarian di dua wilayah di Asia Tenggara. Kami mohon Bapa Surgawi memberkatinya agar sihat dan kuat, serta disembuhkan daripada sakit kepala dan sakit bahu. Kami juga mohon kuasa kebangkitan Yesus untuk memenuhi Kwong Yong agar dia dapat memberitakan Injil dengan bijak kepada murid-murid pelarian yang beragama M. Kami berdoa agar Roh Kudus memberikan kreativiti dan semangat yang luar biasa kepada Kwong Yong dan pasukannya apabila mereka merancang kegiatan bagi murid-murid, sehingga komuniti pelarian melihat kasih Yesus melalui kelakuan dan dedikasi misionari. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.