20230723 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀

天父阿爸,我们感恩,宣教部的 ”鸽子” 之一,来自民都鲁的陈成标和龚燕燕夫妇一家在英国京斯敦侯城宣教。他们在基督教华侨布道会中事奉。他们的教会将于7月25日举办旅游,恳求圣灵运行在七十位参与者心中,非信徒能认识福音,弟兄姐妹们也有美好的团契。在八月,将有四位弟兄姐妹在他们的教会受洗,求圣灵充满受洗者,对基督的福音信心坚固,在信仰上迈向完全。成标和燕燕的两个孩子在七月回马来西亚度假,求主保佑他们平安,身体健康,与亲友有甜蜜的团圆。奉主耶稣基督的名,阿们。

Missionary Care

Dear heavenly Father, we are thankful that one of the “Doves” of the Missions Board, Kevin Ting and Helen King from Bintulu, are serving as missionaries in the city of Hull, United Kingdom. They serve in the Chinese Overseas Christian Mission. Their church will be hosting a tour on July 25. We ask the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in the hearts of the seventy participants, for non-believers to come to a knowledge of the Gospel, and for believers to have wonderful fellowship together. In August, four new believers will be baptized in their church. May the Holy Spirit fill these new Christians, that they are strong in their faith in Christ, and that they will grow in holiness and joy. The two children of Kevin and Helen, Charles and Charlene, are coming back to Malaysia for vacation in July. We pray for journey mercy, good health and that they would have a sweet reunion with their friends and relatives. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa Surgawi, kami bersyukur bahawa salah satu “Merpati” bagi Lembaga Misi, iaitu keluarga Kevin Ting and Helen King dari Bintulu, sedang melayani di United Kingdom. Mereka menjadi misionari melalui organisasi Overseas Chinese Christian Mission. Gereja mereka akan menganjurkan satu lawatan pada 25 Julai, kami mohon Roh Kudus bergerak di dalam hati tujuh puluh peserta, agar orang-orang yang belum percaya dapat mengenal Injil Yesus, dan para Kristian akan menikmati persekutuan yang baik. Pada bulan Ogos, empat Kristian baru akan dibaptis di gereja Kevin dan Helen. Kami berdoa agar Roh Kudus memenuhi mereka, menguatkan iman mereka, dan mereka terus membesar secara rohani menuju kesempurnaan iman. Anak-anak Kevin dan Helen bernama Charles dan Charlene kembali ke Malaysia untuk cuti pada bulan Julai. Kami berdoa agar mereka selamat, sihat dan bersekutu rapat dengan keluarga dan teman-teman mereka di Sarawak. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.

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