20240407 宣教关怀/Missionary Care/ Doa Penjagaan Misi

宣教 关怀


Missionary Care

Father God in heaven, the source of all life, we give thanks to you for the birth of Janos in mid-March. You have blessed our missionary Joe and Cornie with the birth of their son Janos in mid-March. We pray that the LORD Shalom blesses Cornie with good health and constant joy during her confinement in Sarawak, so that she and her son can return to the mission field in the future. We also ask the Holy Spirit to continuously filling Joe for his mission works in Kathmandu, Nepal. Recently, he plans to start a believers’ Bible study group to lead the youths of the church to grow in the truth of the Bible. May the Holy Spirit open the spiritual eyes of the young people, rooting them downward and bearing fruit upward in the truth. After returning to the mission field, Cornie will continue to teach music theory and piano classes to the believers in the second half of the year. May the Holy Spirit’s anointing come on her, using her to nurture the disciples in Nepal through music ministry. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Doa Penjagaan Misi

Allah Bapa, sumber segala kehidupan, kami mengucap syukur atas kelahiran Janos pada bulan Mac, sebagai anak misionari kami, Joe dan Cornie. Kami berdoa agar TUHAN Shalom memberkati Cornie dengan kesihatan yang baik dan sukacita selama dia berehat di Sarawak, sehingga dia dan anaknya dapat kembali ke ladang misi pada masa depan. Kami juga mohon Roh Kudus terus memenuhi pelayanan misionari Joe di Kathmandu, Nepal. Dia merancang untuk memulakan kelompok belajar Alkitab untuk memimpin pemuda pemudi dalam gereja bertumbuh dalam kebenaran Alkitab. Kami mohon Roh Kudus membuka mata rohani orang-orang muda, supaya mereka memahami Firman-Mu dan menghasilkan buah-buah Kudus dalam hidup mereka. Setelah kembali ke ladang misi, Cornie akan terus mengajar teori musik dan kelas piano bagi Kristian dalam gereja. Kami berdoa untuk pengurapan Roh Kudus atas Cornie agar dia dapat membina para murid melalui pelayanan musik. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Amin.

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